堀貞一郎 テーマサロン


堀貞一郎 テーマサロン



各イベントの受付は、 https://themesalon.peatix.com/ で行います。
On 4 December 1974, Mr Teiichiro Hori gave a presentation to a delegation from the Disney on the plans for Disneyland. This year (2024) marks the 50th anniversary of this event. The Hori Teiichiro Collection, which manages Mr Teiichiro Hori's notes, archival photographs and other records, will be organising various commemorative activities in cooperation with Spare-Time inc., the company founded by Mr Teiichiro Hori.

研究展示 | Research Exhibits

第1回の研究報告として、2024年2月9日(金)〜29日(木)に「没後10年 堀貞一郎 展 〜日本のテーマパークの夜明け〜」を開催し、堀貞一郎 氏の秘蔵品や文書の一部を解説付きで公開展示いたしました。
As the first research report, the exhibition "Teiichiro Hori: the dawn of Japanese theme parks" was held from 9 (Fri) to 29 (Thu) February 2024. Some of Mr Hori Teiichiro's treasured items and documents were exhibited to the public with explanations.

研究会 | Research group


In this group we will organise and research Hori's material. It also decides on the theme of the second research exhibition and promotes its preparation.

テーマサロン | Theme Salon

In this thematic salon we discuss one topic, one resource, with a guest speaker.

観光開発・地方創生支援 | Tourism development.
Rural regeneration


We promote third-party evaluation and consultancy of theme park projects, as well as support for rural regeneration projects.



Q: 「堀貞一郎 展」は次はいつ・どこで開催ですか?

When and where will the exhibition "Teiichiro Hori: the dawn of Japanese theme parks"be held next?

A:  現在、開催場所について検討しております。2024年夏ごろに、開催時期・開催場所を発表する予定です。

The location of the event is currently being discussed; the date and location will be announced in the summer of 2024.